Religious Studies

Investigate religious traditions, theories and methods in the study of religion.

Programme Director Dr Alysa Ghose discusses the postgraduate Religious Studies programme here at the School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh.

About the study area

Students have the opportunity to study a variety of religious traditions in combination with advanced learning in the theory and method of the study of religion.

Religious communities, practices and institutions are powerful components in human societies. Understanding their motivations and structures can help produce meaning and search for solutions to major challenges in the contemporary world.

This programme allows a deepening engagement with theory and method in religious studies, while encouraging in-depth study of one or more religious traditions. This combination of theoretical know-how with studies in specific traditions equips you to make sense of, appreciate and compare religion in a cross-cultural perspective.

If you are interested in this study area, you can apply as a as a Master of Science (MSc).

Find out more

Our postgraduate Degree Finder contains a full programme description, details of entry requirements, fees, scholarships and international student information for this programme. Or see below for a detailed programme structure.

Apply online

Programme structure

Optional courses

These courses may change year to year, so please consult the Programme Director for advice on what will be available.

With the agreement of your Programme Director, you may also choose options from other masters programmes, language courses, and advanced undergraduate courses (subject to availability and timetabling constraints).

Career opportunities

Students will develop a strong foundation for postgraduate research in the field or for employment in a range of areas requiring critical analysis and empathetic understanding.

Further information

Programme Director

Dr Alysa Ghose


Profile page: Dr Alysa Ghose

Postgraduate Admissions

Phone: +44 (0)131 650 8952
