School of Divinity events from 2023.

The Scottish Network for Religion and Literature hosts a seminar with Dr Halszka Leleń.

Professor Oliver O'Donovan delivers the 2023 Cunningham Lectures

23 February, 9:40am. St John’s Cornerstone Centre, Princes Street, Edinburgh

A book launch and reception held for Peter Joshua Atkins' publication 'The Animalising Affliction of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4: Reading Across the Human-Animal Boundary' (Bloomsbury/T&T Clark)

Join Chloe Gardner in conversation with Trishna Singh, an International Women's Day event.

We are delighted to welcome Chitra Ramaswamy to talk about her latest book: a hybrid biography/memoir exploring her friendship with a 98-year-old German Jewish refugee called Henry Wuga.

Rita Langer will deliver this year's Khyentse Lecture in Buddhist Studies with the title of “How Buddhists manage demons: the Bahirava puja in Sri Lanka (talk and film screening)".

Thursday 30th March, 4pm-6pm, Elizabeth Templeton Lecture Theatre

The University of Edinburgh hosts this year's Gifford Lecture series with Professor John Dupré from 1-11 May

1 June, 4-5:30pm, Elizabeth Templeton Lecture Theatre

Professor Emma Wild-Wood delivers her Inaugural Lecture

This event will explore the inspiration behind the literary works of Jo Clifford, Rob Mackenzie and Medha Singh, and the impact of their work on others through performances and a panel discussion.

Hope is an inescapable component of theology. It is a desire, a belief, an exercise of trust and a commitment: yet the ideal of hope remains a fantasy for many people in the context of current events.

Professor Rachel Muers delivers her Inaugural Lecture

The School of Divinity hosts the New College Black History Month Lecture.

New College Festival – Books and Belief returns again in 2023 for this year's iteration of the literary festival.

Thinking the Future of Money in the Humanities with Rachel Muers (University of Edinburgh) and Matthew Treherne (University of Leeds)

Dr Zahra Ayubi delivers this year's Gunning Lecture titled ‘Gender, Authority, and Epistemology in Islamic Medical Ethics’

A Future With Hope: Ministry in a Changing Scotland. A social analysis of a changing Scottish society over the last thirty years.

Professor Esther Mombo delivers this year's Cunningham Lecture titled 'The God of Mama Rabecca Jumba: African Women as forerunners in re-imagining Christianities'

The School of Divinity is pleased to announce the return of the annual Carol Service.