Undergraduate School Representative Launches New College Society

Last September, Stephen Dolan, the School's Undergraduate Representative, launched the New College Society. In this interview, we discuss his plans for the Society:

-         Tell us what prompted you to start the New College Society?

I had a desire to create a formal and structured way of fostering community within New College. There is a lot of potential, and a great desire to enable students to come together and get to know each other. The society will hopefully help build the community atmosphere in New College we already have within our individual circles. 


-          Give us an update on the progress you’ve made thus far?

We have an intern committee. We are finalising a constitution and are planning loads of events throughout the year. We are hoping for an active end-of-year calendar. We will also be holding weekly peer-support events where students will be able to chat and feel part of the Society.

We are hoping to be fully recognised by EUSA by the start of semester two. With this accreditation, we will be able to offer many more events, including debates and student-led conferences.



-          Who will be involved in running the Society?


We have a working committee of myself as president, Laura Peggie, Emma Peggie, Sophie Bushnal, Elise Sandbach, Chloe Gardner, Liz Marsh and Lucy McGeown.


-          What are your plans for the society in the short and long-term? 

In the short-term, we want to establish ourselves in the New College community and have as many students as possible helping and taking part in events.

Long term, I hope the Society becomes an active and vital part of life at New College. Taken up by strong, passionate students who want to see New College thriving as a learning institute where everyone can get to know each other, in a social and academic sense. A society that helps bring everyone together and keeps getting bigger and better.


-          A call to action for the readers?

If you are interested in the Society, please follow our social media accounts:


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UoENewColSoc/


Twitter: https://twitter.com/NewCollegeSoc


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newcollegesoc/


Look out for events advertised throughout new college and do not be afraid to introduce yourself to me or the committee and come on-board to help!