Research projects at the School of Divinity are centres of excellence for their subjects. Decolonising the Museum: Digital Repatriation of the Gaidinliu Collection from the UK to India (DiMuse)Dr Arkotong Longkumer and Professor Clare Harris from the University of Oxford have received an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) grant for a 4-year research project on the Gaidinliu collection.This project will show how the Gaidinliu collection needs to be rethought, reframed, and challenged. It will also raise more significant questions regarding digital repatriation, ownership, and knowledge production. It will involve several activities – a film documentary, a graphic novel, and a bespoke online exhibition with 3-D objects curated onto a website.Overcoming Communist Violence: Towards A Constructive Chinese Public Theology in Dialogue with Karl BathDr Luke Li was awarded the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2023 for their two-year project on Communist violence. The institutional violence displayed by the Chinese Communist regime and integral to its revolutionary practice and discourse presents a pressing case for the study of Christian ethics. This project will be the first one to develop a public-theological response to Communist violence, in dialogue with Karl Barth. Interweaving interdisciplinary approaches of moral theology and philosophy, Li will chart a promising vision of Chinese public theology in the context of extreme violence and articulate its significance for a fresh understanding of Barth’s ethics of nonviolent love.God, Language, and Diversity: Spiritual Flourishing in Neurodiverse and Multilingual CommunitiesDr James Eglinton and Dr Thomas Bak (School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences) have received funding from the John Templeton Foundation for their project which investigates whether bilingualism make any difference to an individual person’s moral reasoning? An important area of growth in cognitive linguistics, the moral foreign language effect (MFLE) has shown that a bilingual person’s moral judgements often vary according to the particular language in use. While studies of MFLE have proliferated in recent years, Bak and Eglington will be the first to explore the place of religion or spiritual formation in this effect. table {mso-displayed-decimal-separator:"\."; mso-displayed-thousand-separator:"\,";} tr {mso-height-source:auto;} col {mso-width-source:auto;} td {padding-top:1px; padding-right:1px; padding-left:1px; mso-ignore:padding; color:black; font-size:11.0pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; font-family:Calibri, sans-serif; mso-font-charset:0; text-align:general; vertical-align:bottom; border:none; white-space:nowrap; mso-rotate:0;} .xl237 {font-size:12.0pt; text-align:left; border-top:.5pt solid black; border-right:none; border-bottom:none; border-left:none;} .xl238 {font-size:12.0pt; text-align:left; border-top:.5pt solid black; border-right:.5pt solid black; border-bottom:none; border-left:none;}Interdisciplinary Interpretations Of Multiple Testimonies Of Female Physicians In Auschwitz Professor Hannah Holtschneider has been awarded the BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant for their project exploring the testimonies of a number of female Auschwitz survivors who worked as slave labourers in the infirmary at Auschwitz-Birkenau (Lucie Adelsberger, Władysława Jasińska, Ella Lingens, Gisella Perl). Her work advances previous studies of women’s experiences during the Holocaust by focusing on female professionals from different cultural and linguistic contexts who were enlisted in specific slave labour because of their medical qualifications. This project addresses one of the most intriguing, but still under-researched, aspects of testimony: how the remembering and telling of survivors experiences during the Holocaust changes through time, through shifting contexts and with increasing age. ‘Good health and well-being’ through attending to knowledge at the intersection of faiths and healing practices in East-Central AfricaProfessor Emma Wild-Wood has been awarded a Collaboration Grant from the Royal Society of Edinburgh for an interdisciplinary and institutional collaboration project which will convene stakeholders in Malawi and Uganda to investigate the intersection of faiths with health practices and scope a larger project. The chances of achieving ‘good health and well-being of all’ (United Nations’ third Sustainable Development Goal) are improved by decolonising knowledge about faith and health and contextualising health choices. East-Central Africa has a public and varied religious landscape and is familiar with outbreaks of disease. A range of healing practices – biomedical, herbal, spiritual – have a faith component. Yet the operation of religious belief and practice on health is often ignored, instrumentalised or deemed obstructive in developmental interventions. This collaboration develops cross-disciplinary approaches and centres the epistemologies of faith and health practitioners.Carceral Theology and Prison Literature in EgyptDr Walaa Quisay was awarded the Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship in 2022 for a three-year project that seeks to examine the development of Islamist religious ideology in Egypt through the study of carceral theology. While the foundational literature of the Islamist movement was mostly produced in prison, the relationship between the prison system and political theology has been severely understudied. Relying mainly on qualitative methods, this project studies how political prisons in Egypt impact the formations of political theology, ideology, and religious practice with particular attention to gender, class, and generational difference. In doing so, it will deepen the understanding of Muslim political theologies, Islamist movements, and the nature of carceral states in the Middle East.The Psychology and Theology of FaithDr Bethany Sollereder was awarded a grant from the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota who (with generous support from the John Templeton Foundation) are hosting an academic cross-training program in the psychological sciences for scholars of Christian theology or philosophy of religious with research interests relating to religious belief or religious commitment. As part of a team of eight, Dr Sollereder will work with mentors from the psychological sciences to engage in a 2-year intensive study, in order to apply and leverage insights from the psychological sciences in their work as theologians and philosophers. Nationalism and Ecology: Women’s participation and the Hindu-right in the India-Bangladesh BorderlandDr Sneha Roy was awarded the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2022 for a three-year project that seeks to identify and understand the ways in which women of the Hindu-right/Hindutva organisation (Samaj Seva Bharati Pashchim Banga) conceptualise religious nationalism to interact with and navigate the politics of ecology in the Sundarbans, a tempestuous borderland region between India and Bangladesh. Hindu nationalists mediate between ‘saffron’ (symbolising Hindutva) and ‘green’ (symbolising ecology) politics to participate in environmental protection, which are locally demonstrated but are subsumed under the agenda of national identity. This examines how the women model their interpretations of Hindu nationalism to organise their responses around environmental crises.Thinking The Future Of Money In The HumanitiesProfessor Rachel Muers received a Royal Society of Edinburgh Networking Grant to gather researchers who are asking questions about the cultural and societal life of money - in religion, in history, in the arts, in cross-cultural contexts, in relation to larger frameworks of value and meaning - and brings their insights to bear on questions of the future of money. By exploring alternative meanings and representations of money from the past and from across cultures, the network will uncover new resources for rethinking and reimagining money at this time of rapid change - focusing on responding to the environmental emergency and the challenges of cashlessness. Governmateriality of Indigenous Religion(s) Dr Arkotong Longkumer is involved in the GOVMAT research. It is a multi-national project led by UiT, the Arctic University of Norway. It aims to explore the influence of indigenous religions in different settings across the world today: in local communities, at certain international events, and in a range of diverse exchanges – social media, journalism, art, education, politics, law, environmentalism, and tourism.The work will build on foundations laid by a related project, Indigenous Religion(s): Local Grounds, Global Networks (INREL).See: GOVMATPrevious projectsComparative Buddhology in Indian Narrative LiteratureDr Naomi Appleton has been awarded a grant by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) for a collaborative three-year project (2020-23) with Dr Chris V Jones (Cambridge), looking at the development of the figure of the Buddha in Asian religious literature from the early Common Era.The project will focus on the period after the emergence of the Mahayana, one of the main traditions of Buddhism. Although it officially ends in September 2023, the work will continue throughout the coming academic year.Oxford Commentary on the Dead Sea ScrollsThe Oxford Commentary on the Dead Sea Scrolls is a series intended for the scholarly study of the most important non-biblical Dead Sea Scrolls. It aims to provide scholarship of the highest level that is accessible to non-specialists, based on the best digitized images and readings. Each volume will include a synthetic and substantial introduction, followed by a line-by-line commentary on the scrolls. The commentary will provide an English translation, textual notes and thematic discussions of the original Hebrew text of the scrolls. The next volume on the Rule of the Community has been submitted to OUP and is scheduled to be published in 2024.The general editor of the publication is Professor Timothy H. Lim. Although he will be demitting from his chair from September 2023 onwards, he will continue writing his book on the canonization of the Song of Songs and edit the Oxford Commentary on the Dead Sea Scrolls.See: Oxford Commentary on the Dead Sea ScrollsPublic Theology in the Post-Migrant Society: The Role of Religion in Multi-Faith Refugee Relief (PTPS)Dr Ulrich Schmiedel is involved in the PTPS. This three-year research project funded by Lunds Missionssällskap, explores the role of religion in the practices of A World of Neighbours, a multi-faith network working with people on the move across Europe. By examining under which sociological and theological conditions diversity of religions can become a force for cohesion rather than conflict, PTPS addresses a lack of research on the impact of multi-faith cooperation on refugee relief. The project aims to conceptualise a multi-faith public theology for the post-migrant society that enables and empowers practitioners from the three Abrahamic faiths to work together for refugees in the public square, demonstrating the impact of faith-based initiatives on pluralist societies in Europe.Scottish Religious Poetry: An AnthologyDr Linden Bicket has been awarded £5000 by the Royal Society of Edinbrugh to produce a new edition of Scottish Religious Poetry, an anthology first published in 2000 by Saint Andrew Press, an imprint of Hymns Ancient and Modern. This project is also supported by a grant of £3,700 from The Drummond Trust to Professor Alison Jack, the project's Co-Investigator.The new, revised edition of the anthology edited by Dr Linden Bicket, Professor Alison Jack and Dr Emma Dymock will present readers with work by poets of all religious backgrounds, in Scots, Gaelic and English. The new edition allows the editors to showcase a greater diversity of voices and perspectives on religion than was possible at the turn of the century, and which reflects the changes in Scotland’s religious landscape since that time.The Cultural Life of Money and FinanceThe Chair of Divinity, Professor Rachel Muers, is one of the leading investigators of the research project The Cultural Life of Money and Finance.As we move into a "cashless society" and as urgent questions are asked about how money and finance shape how we relate to the environment, what is the future of money - and how can research in the arts and humanities help us to see towards that future? This project gathers researchers who are asking questions about the cultural and societal life of money - in religion, in history, in the arts, in cross-cultural contexts, in relation to larger frameworks of value and meaning - and brings their insights to bear on questions of the future of money. By exploring alternative meanings and representations of money from the past and from across cultures, we will uncover new resources for rethinking and reimagining money at this time of rapid change - focusing on responding to the environmental emergency and the challenges of cashlessness. See: The Cultural Life of Money.Theology Born From Crisis: Resilience Discourse in the Three Major ProphetsDr Anja Klein has been awarded a £100K British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship that starts on 1 September 2022 and is a one-year buy-out.The books of the three Major Prophets in the Hebrew Bible (Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel) are crisis literature. This project is the first that undertakes a critical reading of the prophetic materials through the lens of resilience. Firmly rooted in historical-critical research, it aims to demonstrate that the formation of theology in the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, represents a resilience discourse that fostered group identity and agency. The project offers a fresh approach to theology in the Hebrew Bible and uncovers an ancient theological discourse that can serve as a model of how groups deal with crises and develop resilience.Welcoming the Stranger: Resources for a European Multi-Faith Ethics of Migration (WTS)Dr Ulrich Schmiedel is part of WTS. Co-funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh in Scotland and the Birgit och Sven Håkan Ohlssons Fond in Sweden, WTS brings together scholars and stakeholders concerned with faith-based refugee relief in Europe to develop practice-based resources for a multi-faith ethics of migration, drawing on the theologies of the Abrahamic religions. Connecting theoretical and practical approaches, WTS works with a multi-faith design. Through immersion in the work of the practitioners of A World of Neighbours, a multi-faith-based refugee relief network working with people on the move across Europe, theologically-engaged scholars from the Abrahamic religions investigate the significance of their theological traditions for a multi-faith ethics of migration in action, producing ethical guidelines for faith-based and multi-faith-based networks such as ‘A World of Neighbours’. While explorative and experimental, this co-creation of knowledge aims at a conceptualization of resources applicable to the realities on the ground.Art and the SacredProfessor Alison Jack and Dr Caleb Froehlich, together with Professor Gordon Graham, co-ordinated the 'Art and the Sacred' project in 2021 and 2022. It aimed to empirically test whether the experiences of artists, performers, participants, and audiences engaged with sacred art at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival extended their knowledge and understanding of spiritual reality. The project was part of the Templeton Religion Trust grant-making strategy called ‘Art Seeking Understanding’.See: Art and the Sacred - WebsiteGod and the Book of NatureProfessor Mark Harris and Dr Sarah Lane Ritchie were awarded funding from the John Templeton Foundation in 2019 for a major international research project, 'God and the Book of Nature'. The 33-month initiative, organised by the University of Edinburgh, built a network of theologians and philosophers of religion to form a wide-ranging collaborative engagement with the natural sciences. The project finished in May 2022.See: God and the Book of Nature NetworkGurus, Anti-gurus and Media in North IndiaDr Arkotong Longkumer was also the principal investigator of the research project Gurus, Anti-gurus and Media in North India, supported by the Leverhulme Trust (2019-2022). #gurumedia is a blog and virtual exhibition showcasing the findings of the study. This interdisciplinary project deployed a range of religious studies, media studies and anthropological skills in order to understand the unrecognised ways that visual media have become a site of intense interaction between gurus and the anti-superstition movement in India.See: #gurumediaLoyalty & Fidelity: Christian and Muslim PerspectivesOn the heels of the Issachar Fund-sponsored project, ‘Gratitude: Christian and Muslim Perspectives’, the School of Divinity announced a new project, ‘Loyalty & Fidelity: Christian and Muslim Perspectives’ (2020-2022). The project was chaired by Professor Mona Siddiqui with Dr Nathanael Vette as Postdoctoral Researcher and was also sponsored by the Issachar Fund. The project brought together leading international scholars working at the intersection of religion, ethics, law and politics to discuss issues raised by loyalty in a series of three exploratory workshops.Papers presented at these workshops will be considered for an edited volume to be published in 2023, A Theology of Loyalty: Christian and Muslim Perspectives. Select papers from our first series on gratitude have been published as 'A Theology of Gratitude: Christian and Muslim Perspectives', edited by by Professor Mona Siddiqui with Dr Nathanael Vette (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022).TheoCon: Theology in a time of crisisDr Sarah Lane Ritchie and Dr Tripp Fuller were awarded £5,000 to facilitate international, interdisciplinary theological discourse and reflection on the current COVID-19 pandemic.The project - TheoCon: Theology in a Time of Crisis – was funded through a Rapid Response Impact Grant from the University of Edinburgh’s College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.See: TheoCon: Theology in a Time of CrisisTopics includedAnimated maps (History of Christianity)Approaching Religion Through StoryCaring for the future through ancestral timeChurch network responses to povertyDigital Explorations in New College LibraryEarly Christian Manuscripts Edinburgh 2010 projectEdinburgh Prophecy NetworkFaith & Belief ScotlandGratitude: Christian and Muslim PerspectivesHistory of Scottish TheologyIndigenous Religion(s). Local Grounds, Global NetworksIntroducing Biblical Hebrew Jesus and the Gospels: online museumJewish Lives, Scottish SpacesJewish/non-Jewish Relations: a teaching resourceLetters from exile: documents from the Marian exileMedia and TheologyMedical Humanities Research NetworkMethodist Missionary Society HistoryMundus ProjectPeacemaking through the Media ArtsReligion and Ethics in the Making of War and PeaceSemantics of Ancient Hebrew DatabaseThe story of story in early South Asia: character and genre across Hindu, Buddhist and Jain narrative traditionsTheology and Therapy This article was published on 2024-03-19