Tutor and part-time lecturer Dr. David G. Robertson been appointed co-editor of the Equinox journal, Implicit Religion. Image Following the death of the founding editor, Edward Bailey, last year, Dr Robertson will take over as co-editor. The journal will now be published in collaboration with The Religious Studies Project, taking a new, critical direction. His co-editor is Jack Laughlin of the University of Sudbury, Canada "Implicit Religion" is an international platform for scholarship that challenges the traditional boundary between religion and non-religion and the tacit assumptions underlying this distinction. It invites contributions from a critical perspective on various cultural formations that are usually excluded from religion by the gatekeeping practices of the general public, practitioners, the law, and even some scholars of religion. Taking a broad scope, "Implicit Religion" showcases analyses of material from the mundane to the extraordinary, but always with critical questions in mind such as: why is this data boundary-challenging? what do such marginal cases tell us about boundary management and category formation with respect to religion? and what interests are being served through acts of inclusion and exclusion? Journal Website: https://journals.equinoxpub.com/index.php/IR This article was published on 2024-03-19