Digital Church workshop

Dr Sandy Forsyth and Dr Sarah Lane Ritchie will be two of the leaders in an online Digital Church workshop, 11am-3pm, Monday 8 June 2020.

Dr Forsyth, our T.F. Torrance Lecturer in Theology & Mission, has been working with online church Sanctuary First and the Centre for Digital Theology at Durham University to deliver a series of workshops about how faith is expressed in online spaces.

The fourth and final workshop on 8 June will be focused on mission. Participants will consider the ways in which people engage with faith online, as well as the big questions they may be asking of personal identity and of God.

The event is co-sponsored by our Centre for Theology and Public Issues (CTPI) alongside the Edinburgh Centre for Data, Culture & Society (CDCS) and Edinburgh Futures.

Dr Forsyth says,

“The series of workshops has provided an excellent platform for churches and their members to explore how they can provide engagement with faith online in a creative and innovative way. It is particularly good that Dr Ritchie will be speaking at this final session, offering theological insights into where God might be in our challenging times. 

“Although the series was planned before the lockdown, it has proved particularly relevant since then. This has been reflected in the size of attendance, of around 50-60 people per session. Everyone is welcome at the final one on 8 June.”

Workshop fee £12. Visit the conference booking page for more details:

Conference booking page


Sanctuary First

Centre for Digital Theology


Edinburgh Centre for Data, Culture & Society (CDCS)

Edinburgh Futures

Dr Forsyth’s profile

Dr Ritchie’s profile