In this interactive online event, participants will be offered resources for preaching and leading worship in the year ahead, based on the lectionary readings for Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary and beyond. Leading biblical scholars and practitioners will offer insights into current thinking about Matthew's Gospel and new approaches to the Hebrew Bible, as well as fresh ideas about the lectionary itself. There will be guided discussions and Q&A as well as more formal presentations.
- Dr Nathanael Vette (Issachar Fund Postdoctoral Researcher) - 'What are they saying about Matthew's Gospel?'.
- Dr Anja Klein (Senior Lecturer in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament) - 'Resilience in the Hebrew Bible – Theory and some Reflections on Practice'
- Rev. Dr Nikki Macdonald (Minister, Upper Clyde Parish Church) - 'Rigidly Constraining Liberty or useful tool? The lectionary as servant, not master'
Please ensure that you have read Psalm 22 in advance and bring your Bible to this event.
This event is free and will be held on Zoom. Please register for this event through our Eventbrite listing and joining details will be provided in your confirmation email.