Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations

Tuesdays, 4:10pm, in the Martin Hall and Online unless otherwise stated

All welcome, for enquiries and Zoom log-in information, please contact Dr Salam Rassi:

Semester 2 – Spring 2025

DateSpeakersEvent / topic 
Wednesday 29 JanuaryDr Shoaib Malik (University of Edinburgh)

Beyond Angels and Humans: Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī and the Future of Islamic Theological Anthropology.

Joint session with Science and Religion

11 FebruaryJakub Zbrzezny (Aberdeen) & Ahmad Hroub (Independent scholar)

(A) Reading (of) the Bible among Muslims of the rural West Bank: Initial Outcomes and Prospective Directions. 

Joint session with Biblical Studies

1 AprilGeorge Kiraz (Beth Mardutho)

Book Talk: Water the Willow Tree: Memoirs of a Bethlehem Boyhood.

Joint session with World Christianity

Semester 1 – Autumn 2024

DateSpeakersEvent / topic 
Friday 4 OctoberDr Idil Osman (Lecturer in Media and Communication, University of Leicester)“Digital Media Affordances, Agency, & African Diaspora Muslim Youth"

Thursday 17 October

Althaus-Reid Room

Dr Hengameh Ziai (Lecturer in the History of the Middle East and Africa, SOAS)“Islam & Capitalism: Notes from Late Ottoman Sudan"
29 October 



Ahmad Hakam


Lujain Beruwien

“PhD Student Panel: Pluralism, Gender, and the State”

“Christian and Islamic Religious Education Teacher Training Institutions in Indonesia: Case Studies of Perceiving Religious Others” 


 "There is No State!": Attempting to Unpack the Narratives of Libyan Women’s Rights Activists and the State”

Friday 8 November



“Meet the Author: In Conversation with Ziauddin Sardar”

Jointly held with the New College Book Festival and the Alwaleed Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World

12 NovemberDr Mahmood Kooria (Lecturer in the History of the Indian Ocean World, Uni of Edinburgh)“Collectives of Piety and Duty: Matrilineal Muslims of the Indian Ocean”