New short courses for Church people

The School of Divinity is piloting two new courses for Church people, lay or ordained.

The courses are being run in partnership with the Mission and Discipleship Council of the Church of Scotland, the Presbyteries of Edinburgh and Lothian, and the Scottish Episcopal Institute. They are led by experienced academics and practitioners.

Each course involves six evening classes and two Saturday afternoon classes at New College*, Edinburgh.

Course titles:

  • Introduction to Pioneer Ministry and Church Planting (September-November 2019)
  • Training for Leading Worship in a Local Context (January-April 2021)

In each case, the maximum enrolment will be 25 people and the course fee will be £200. 

Introduction to pioneer ministry and church planting

This course aims to equip participants with a grounding in the theological understanding and practical knowledge needed to begin new worshipping communities or ‘fresh expressions of church’, through pioneer ministry and church planting. Course organiser: Dr Sandy Forsyth.

Classes will take place 21 September to 30 November 2019.

The course will be piloted in 2019. Students who take part in the pilot will not be assessed.

Entry is open to all, lay or ordained, and from any Christian denomination. Participants are likely to be involved at present in beginning a ‘fresh expression of church’ in their context, or hope to do so soon.

Training for leading worship in a local context

This course will be of interest to those who wish to explore the possibility of leading worship in their local church setting. It will focus on the history, theology and structure of worship services in a variety of styles, in order to ground current practice in its wider context. All the components of a church service will be considered in theory and from a practical perspective. Participants will have opportunities to prepare and deliver prayers, children’s talks and sermons, and to construct meaningful orders of service. Course organiser: Dr Alison Jack.

Classes will take place 13 January – 3 April 2020.

The course will be piloted in 2020. Students who take part in the pilot will not be assessed.

Entry is open to all. Participants are likely to be active in their local Church.

How to book

You can enrol for the courses through the University’s Centre for Open Learning. Bookings can be made via the following methods:

  • Online (where payment can be made with debit or credit card) - see links below
  • In person, by visiting the Centre for Open Learning’s reception desk located at Paterson’s Land, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8AQ, where payment can be made with debit or credit card, cash or cheque.

Concessions may be available, and Churches may also offer sponsorship.

Please note, bookings are made in accordance with the Centre for Open Learning’s terms and conditions, which students must agree to when enrolling:

Centre for Open Learning terms and conditions

Book online

 Introduction to pioneer ministry and church planting 

Training for leading worship in a local context


The Centre for Open Learning can be contacted via email or phone:


Tel 0131 650 4400

For any queries about the courses that are not related to booking, please email New College.

Course flyer


New College and the Church of Scotland

University of Edinburgh Centre for Open Learning

Centre for Open Learning terms and conditions

Church of Scotland

Presbytery of Edinburgh

Scottish Episcopal Institute