Tuesday 1st October - Theology and the weight of the world
The first lecture, “Theology and the Weight of the World,” unmasks the social oppression that weighs down, weighs upon human persons and consigns them to what Ivan Petrella names “zones of abandonment.”
Wednesday 2nd October – Bearing witness through compassionate solidarity
The second lecture, “Bearing Witness through Compassionate Solidarity” traces the rich complex notions of solidarity and compassion, and clarifies the role of prophetic anger in awakening people from the anesthetization of the manipulative techniques of global neoliberal capitalism.
Thursday 3rd October – Giving an account of our Hope.The final lecture, “Giving an Account of Our Hope” opposes our enmeshment in idolatry and urges ways to nurture life.
These are public lectures, to which all are invited. There will be a drinks reception after the first lecture.