Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The School of Divinity's EDI policies, initiatives, and relevant information.

All members of the School of Divinity are expected to treat each other with respect, regardless of ethnicity, disability, gender (including transgender), age, sexual orientation, or beliefs (including lack of religion or beliefs).

Everyone associated with the School of Divinity must be familiar with and abide by the following policies to ensure a safe and welcoming environment:

Dignity and Respect for all

The School supports and promotes all the University's Equality and Diversity initiatives:

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Director

The School's Equiality, Diversity and Inclusion Director is:

Dr Shadaab Rahemtulla (pronouns he/him)


Myth 1: The School of Divinity is Christian-centric.

FALSE! The School of Divinity is an excellent place to study a number of faith traditions and ritual practices! We have experts who focus on Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, (Neo)Paganism, Indigenous Spiritual Traditions, Afrodiasporic Religiosity and Witchcraft!

Myth 2: There’s no space for atheism at the School of Divinity.

FALSE! At the School of Divinity, we are interested in the academic study of religion (taking the term in its broadest sense that includes explorations of reiki, ghosts and yoga!) Moreover, we have people at the school, both staff and students, from all faiths and none. As a secular institution we have Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Christians, non-religious folks, agnostics, practising pagans, and atheists!

 Myth 3: The School of Divinity isn’t a safe space for Queer folks.

FALSE! The School of Divinity is a queer friendly space that fosters inclusivity across a range of gender identities and sexual orientations. This openness explicitly includes trans and nonbinary colleagues and students, who enrich our working and learning communities.

Myth 4: The only reason to study at the School of Divinity is if you want to be clergy.

FALSE! Part of our commitment to our students is to ensure they are able to thrive outside of the university and are highly employable in a changing world. There are countless jobs our students are qualified for when they enter the workforce. This may include the private sector such as banking or becoming a lawyer, to the Police, public policy work, teaching, non-profit and/or NGO work, research positions, translation and editing, and a variety of other opportunities. We also see many students go on to be involved in different faith traditions. 

Athena SWAN Silver Award

Athena SWAN Silver Award logo

The School of Divinity achieved an Athena SWAN Silver Award in 2018 for its commitment to gender equality, following a Bronze (GEM) Award in 2014.

Our Equality and Diversity (E&D) Committee is composed of staff and student representatives who meet three times per year. The Committee oversees the implementation of the University’s Dignity and Respect Policy and other relevant initiatives, and supports and promotes a range of E&D campaigns  within the School. To learn more about the exciting array of events and activities held at our School, check out our bi-annual EDI newsletter, available at the bottom of this page.


"Beyond Bilal: Black History in Islam" - A Conversation with Imam Mustafa Briggs

Join us for this year's New College Black History Lecture where we host a conversation with Imam Mustafa Briggs about his new book, "Beyond Bilal: Black History in Islam."

This timely work uncovers the deep-seated relationship between Islam and Black History, from the Qur'anic period, Companions of the Prophet, and early generations of Muslim scholars to the rich history of Islam in Africa and the vital role of women's scholarship in the West African Islamic Tradition.

Jointly Sponsored by the School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh Islamic Society, Race.Ed, and Edinburgh Race Equality Network.

Black, Gay, British, Christian, Queer: A lecture by Father Jarel Robinson-Brown

Father Jarel Robinson-Brown delivers a public lecture entitled 'Black, Gay, British, Christian, Queer' as part of a New College Pride event focusing on the intersections of race, religion and sexuality.