A Scottish-based campaign to keep the UK in the EU has named Prof Mona Siddiqui as the chairwoman of its advisory group. The School of Divinity are pleased to announce that Professor Siddiqui, professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations here at the School of Divinity has been named as the chairwoman of "Scotland Stronger in Europe". Scotland Stronger in Europe, which is the Scottish arm of Britain Stronger in Europe, will formally launch later this week and will be headquartered in Glasgow, and has said its advisory group will be gender balanced and include people from both sides of the independence referendum debate. Prof Siddiqui has said: "The campaign to show that Scotland is better off in Europe will be positive, factual and people-based - making the case that our quality of life is better and horizons broader by keeping our place in the European Union. We will be working extremely hard to contribute to a UK-wide vote to stay in Europe, whenever the referendum is called." You can read more of this story on the BBC website. This article was published on 2024-03-19