Theology and Religious Studies Discovery Day 2024

Dr Linden Bicket inviting attendees to our 2024 Discovery Day on 11 June.

Hello, my name is Dr. Linden Bicket, and I'm a lecturer here in the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh. I'm here today to tell you about our annual discovery day for RMPS pupils and their teachers, which this year is on 11 June. This is a really fascinating opportunity to discuss the disciplines of theology and religious studies in all their various different incarnations and contexts. Last year we had pupils come here and join in interactive taster lectures on topics like Buddhism, the history of witchcraft in Scotland, and faith and the climate catastrophe. So we really hope that you'll join us and that you will have the opportunity to feel what it's like to be a student here at the University of Edinburgh studying theology and religious studies. We'll show you some of the treasures from our new college collections. And we'll welcome you to spaces like this. Our beautiful Rainy Hall, which is at the centre of the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh. Come along, join us, and we can't wait to discuss these topics with you.

We were thrilled to have the opportunity to welcome schools from across Scotland to our Theology and Religious Studies Discovery Day which was held at New College on Tuesday 11 June 2024. 

Our Discovery Day is a great way to introduce pupils to the wide and exciting range of topics and approaches available within Theology and Religious Studies. The day also allows us to discuss the value of studying these subjects and to showcase what it’s like to study them at university. Pupils attend taster lectures, and they engage in discussion about subjects that spark their interest and stir their passions.


11th June 2024, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh 

10-10.10 Arrival – Check-in at the 'black and white' corridor then proceed into the Assembly Hall 

10.10-10.15 Video viewing: Students and staff tell you what it's like to study at the School of Divinity

10.15-10.25 Welcome from Professor Jeremy Carrette, Head of School 

10.30-11.30 Session 1: mini-lectures

  • Dr Nathanael Vette: 'Greek Lightning: Become a Greek Geek in 20 Mins'
  • Dr Kirsteen Murray: ‘Are you accusing me? Scotland and Witchcraft’ 


  • Rev Dr Michael Fuller: Genetic modification - some ethical and theological perspectives 
  • Dr Alysa Ghose: ‘Spirits, ghosts and witches are real – and can be great!’  

11.30-12.00 Break in various locations (teas, coffees, juice, biscuits)

11.45 Performance by the New College choir

12.00-1.00 Session 2 

  • Panel discussion between students and staff on the topic: ‘Why study Theology and Religious Studies?’
  • Talk by New College alumnus and co-director of LEAD UK, Beth Jones

"LEAD is a recently established charity whose vision is to raise up and release leadership in young people to transform their world."

1.00-2.00 Lunch in various locations

  • During the lunch break there was a chance to see some treasured religious artefacts, books and manuscripts from the New College Collections. First come, first served opportunity, teachers required to register in advance.

2.00-2.45 Session 3: Assembly Hall 

  • Dr. Upali Sraman: 'Buddhist Monasticism as a Lived Experience'

2.45 finish, depart 

Colour photo of Professor Jeremy Carrette speaking at a lectern in the Assembly Hall
Head of School, Professor Jeremy Carrette welcoming School pupils in the Assembly Hall
Colour photo of students and staff sat on the stage in the Assembly Hall as they talk to each other as part of a panel discussion
Panel discussion between students and staff on the topic: ‘Why study Theology and Religious Studies?’

Colour photo of attendees at the 2024 Discovery Day listening to Nathanael Vette in the Elizabeth Templeton Lecture Theatre
Dr Nathanael Vette presents 'Greek Lightning: Become a Greek Geek in 20 Mins' in the Elizabeth Templeton Lecture Theatre.
Colour photo of a Beth Jones speaking at a lectern in the Assembly Hall
New College alumnus and co-director of LEAD UK, Beth Jones, talks about her work.
Colour birds eye view photo of Discovery Day 2024 attendees sat in the Assembly Hall listening to Dr Upali Sraman as he speaks to them
Dr Upali Sraman captivates the audience with his talk: 'Buddhist Monasticism as a Lived Experience'
Colour photo of members of the New College Choir stood on the steps in the New College Quad as they perform at the 2024 Discovery Day
Members of the New College Choir entertain on the steps of the Quad.