This conference, jointly hosted by the University of Cambridge and the University of Edinburgh, will examine The Sea of Faith Documentary, explore the six BBC episodes, reflect on Don Cupitt and his work, discuss the nature of the documentary series and the Don Cupitt Archive.
Booking deadline – 17 June
- Conference Fee: £45
- Student Fee: £30
- Conference Catering £90
Bed and Breakfast is available at Emmanuel College. Standard Room costs £62.40 and En Suite costs £90.
Draft Programme Outline
Day 1: Monday 1st July
2:00-2:15pm – Welcome and Introduction
Elaine Graham, Graeme Smith, Catherine Pickstock, Jeremy Caddick and Jeremy Carrette
2:15-3:45pm – Opening Keynote:
Chair: Elaine Graham
Steven Shakespeare
3:45-4:15pm – Tea
4:15-6:00pm – Short Papers on the different episodes of Sea of Faith:
Chair: Catherine Pickstock
- Episode 1, The Mechanical Universe – Copernican revolution. Blaise Pascal and René Descartes. John Cottingham
- Episode 2, The Human Animal – Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Jeremy Carrette
- Episode 3, Going by the Book – Martin Luther, David Strauss, and Albert Schweitzer. James Carleton Paget
7:00-8:30pm – Dinner
(Hall) 8:30-9:30pm – After dinner personal responses
(Chapel) Personal appreciations of Don Cupitt:
Chair: Graeme Smith
- Catherine Pickstock
- George Pattison
- Clare Carlisle
- Alison Webster
Day 2: Tuesday 2nd July
Chair: Graeme Smith/Jeremy Carrette
- Episode 4, Prometheus Unbound – Karl Marx and Søren Kierkegaard. Clare Carlisle/George Pattison
- Episode 5, Religion Shock – Arthur Schopenhauer and Eastern religions. Vivekananda, Hindu missionary. Annie Besant and anthroposophist. Jessica Frazier
- Episode 6, The New World – Friedrich Nietzsche and the death of God. Ludwig Wittgenstein. Gavin Hyman
11:00-11:30am – Coffee
11:30am-12:45pm – Religion and Documentary Work:
Chair: Elaine Graham
- Rosie Dawson
- Peter Armstrong
12:45-1:30pm – Lunch
1:30-2:30pm – Session on Don Cupitt archive:
Chair: Catherine Pickstock
Elaine Graham and Graeme Smith
2:30-3:00pm – Tea
Chair: Jeremy Carrette
3:00-4:30pm – Final Keynote: Linda Woodhead
4:30pm – Tea and departure
Keynote Speakers
Steven Shakespeare
- Linda Woodhead
- Peter Armstrong
- Clare Carlisle
- James Carleton Paget
- John Cottingham
- Jeremy Carrette
- Rosie Dawson
- Jessica Frazier
- Elaine Graham
- Gavin Hyman
- George Pattison
- Catherine Pickstock
- Graeme Smith
Don Cupitt, the Sea of Faith and the future of Radical Theologies