Religious Studies

Wednesdays, 4-5.30pm, in Althaus-Reid Room, New College.

Unless otherwise stated, seminars are held on Wednesdays, 4-5.30pm, in the Althaus-Reid Room, New College.

Please direct all queries to the convenor, Dr Naomi Appleton,

Semester 2: Spring 2019

Date Speaker Topic
16 January 2019

Erica Baffelli (Manchester)

‘Dynamism and the Ageing of a Japanese “New” Religion’

23 January 2019

Adam Possamai (Western Sydney)

‘Branding the devil in New Age, Catholicism and Pentecostalism:

a sociology of exorcism’

30 January 2019

No seminar

No seminar
6 February 2019

Philip Alexander (Glasgow)

'Music and immigrant identity among Glasgow Jews'

13 February 2019

David Robertson (Open University)

‘The Essentialisation of Gnosticism’

20 February 2019 No seminar

No seminar

27 February 2019


Morteza Hashemi (Edinburgh)


POSTPONED ‘Post-Secular religious charities and donating blood to non-believers:

the case of Imam Hussain Blood Donation Campaign in the UK’

6 March 2019

Áine Warren (Edinburgh)

'Dark Goddess Mysticism: The Uncanny Other in a Popular Thealogy'

13 March 2019

Chris Jones (Oxford)

 ‘Buddhists on Non-Buddhists:

Representing the Religious Other in Indian Buddhist Literature’

20 March 2019

Presentations from MSc Research students

on their dissertation proposals.

Please come along and offer your support and feedback.


27 March 2019


Daan Beekers (Utrecht, visiting IASH Fellow)

‘A converted church: religious heritage, memory and the matter of home in Amsterdam’

3 April 2019 Closing social event Refreshments will be provided


Semester 1: Autumn 2018

Date Speaker Topic
19 September 2018

Welcome session and social event


Welcome session and social event

26 September 2018

No seminar

No seminar
3 October 2018 

Dr Naomi Appleton

(School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh)


'Many Buddhas, One Buddha: Reflections on early Indian Buddhology'
10 October 2018

Todd Lewis

(College of the Holy Cross, Worcester MA)

‘Reconfiguration and Revival: Newar Buddhist Traditions in the Kathmandu Valley (and Beyond)’


17 October 2018

Elaine A Peña

(George Washington University)

‘Time to Pray: Devotional Rhythms and Space Sacralization Processes at the Mexico-United States Border’


22 October 2018 No seminar due to Cunningham Lectures

No seminar due to Cunningham Lectures


31 October 2018

Carole M Cusack

(University of Sydney)

‘The Fourth Way and the Internet: Esotericism, Secrecy, and Hiddenness in Plain Sight’


7 November 2018

'Issues in the Repatriation of Indigenous Knowledge: 

An International Panel' 

NOTE this event will be in the Martin Hall

and will be followed by a drinks reception and book launch.


  • James Cox (University of Edinburgh emeritus),
  • Carole Cusack (University of Sydney)
  • Arkotong Longkumer (University of Edinburgh)
  • Bjørn Ola Tafjord (Trømso University, Norway).

Book launch: James L. Cox, Restoring the Chain of Memory. 

T.G.H. Strehlow and the Repatriation of Australian Indigenous Knowledge (Equinox, 2018). 


'Issues in the Repatriation of Indigenous Knowledge: An International Panel' 

14 November 2018

Carol Richardson

(Edinburgh College of Art)


‘Catholic History and the Tudor Martyrs’

21 November 2018 No seminar

No seminar


28 November 2018


Seminar rescheduled, a film  and snacks instead

Seminar rescheduled, a film  and snacks instead