Newly Released Volume. "God and the Faithfulness of Paul: A Critical Examination of the Pauline Theology of N. T. Wright". Image Released early in February 2016, God and the Faithfulness of Paul represents a massive (over 800 pages) collaborative effort of 34 international scholars interacting critically with N. T. Wright’s magnum opus on Paul, Paul and the Faithfulness of God. In the Introduction, God and the Faithfulness of Paul is described as "neither a Festschrift nor a refutation, but something entirely different. It is perhaps best described as a conversation among those involved in biblical and theological scholarship as to the positive achievements, potential failings, matters requiring clarification, and future questions that Wright’s Paul and the Faithfulness of God elicits for his scholarly peers. We hope this book proves to be a definitive moment in the reception of Paul and the Faithfulness of God and also a key moment in setting the agenda and questions for Pauline scholarship in the twenty-first century that Wright’s volume has – for better or worse – bequeathed to us.” The book unfolds in six parts investigating in turn the place of Wright’s work among other Pauline theologies, methodological considerations, issues of historical context, exegetical debates, theological and practical implications, and a concluding response from N. T. Wright. Among the volume’s editors is our own PhD student, J. Thomas Hewitt. Additionally, Prof Larry Hurtado contributed a chapter entitled "YHWH’s Return to Zion: A New Catalyst for Earliest High Christology?” while J. Thomas Hewitt and Dr Matthew Novenson co-authored a chapter entitled "Participationism and Messiah Christology in Paul.” A synopsis of Prof Hurtado’s essay can be found on Prof Hurtado’s blog. God and the Faithfulness of Paul can be ordered from the Mohr Sidebeck website. This article was published on 2024-03-19