Resources for the Worship Year ahead: A CPD Event for Ministers and Worship Leaders

In this interactive event, participants will be offered resources for preaching and leading worship in the year ahead, based on the lectionary readings for Year B of the Revised Common Lectionary and beyond. Prof Paul Foster will offer insights into new scholarship on Mark's Gospel. Ruth Harvey, Leader of the Iona Community, will share resources from Wild Goose Publishing including new liturgical material from a wide range of contributors.

Professor Alison Jack will introduce the range of short courses offered by the School of Divinity in the semester ahead and Dr Hongsuk Um will  share the resources on the new platform, Church of Scotland Learning.


9:30am – Rainy Hall – Tea Break

10:00am – Martin Hall

1:00pm – Rainy Hall – Lunch


This event is free to attend, and includes an optional paid lunch. Please register for free below.

Register for free


Professor Paul Foster 

Paul Foster is Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity in the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh. His work centres upon the emergence of the Jesus movement in the first two centuries of the common era. His publications include The Apocryphal Gospels - A Very Short Introduction (2009); The Gospel of Peter: Introduction, Critical Edition and Commentary (Leiden: Brill, 2010); and Colossians, Black’s New Testament Commentaries (2016).

Ruth Harvey

Born and brought up in Scotland, with stints in Glasgow, Iona, Stirling, South India, Aberdeen, Germany, Amsterdam and Edinburgh, Ruth now lives in Cumbria with views of the northern fells and Ullswater (She enjoys swimming there as much as she can!).

She volunteers with Place for Hope as a Practitioner/ Mediator, having spent time training and working as a mediator in faith-based conflict. She has also edited a magazine, led the 'Living Spirituality Network', worked with global student Christian movements and been a Congregational Facilitator.

Ruth is a Church of Scotland minister and a Quaker who enjoys paddling a canoe with Nick and her family.

Dr Hongsuk Um

Hongsuk is the Integrated Training Programme Development Worker within the Faith Action Programme of the Church of Scotland. He is responsible for delivering training and development provision for local congregations. He has edited the Learn publications, developed resources for eldership, discipleship and pastoral care and delivered the Elders Conferences and the Pastoral Care Conferences. He enjoys listening to music, hillwalking and watching football.