To apply to study a PhD at the School of Divinity you must first find a supervisor whose work interests you and discuss your proposed research proposal with them. Once you have been accepted into the PhD programme you will have regular 1:1 supervision with them where they can offer advice and guidance. The British pattern of PhD studies focuses on working towards the thesis – there is little or no coursework. This means that from the start you need to be well-prepared in any special skills you need for your research project, including languages.
During the first year you will explore your chosen area of research and refine your research proposal. At around nine months, you will submit a draft chapter for discussion at a Review Board, together with a developed proposal for the whole thesis. On the basis of your progress-to date, and the prospects for your research, the Review Board will make recommendations on the continuation of your studies into the second year. After that, you will have an annual review to discuss your progress.
The PhD is available to study part time but, not for those who need a student visa. Please see PhD by Distance information for more study options.
If you require further information on studying a PhD, please contact the School.