School of Divinity staff win big at the People of CAHSS awards

We’re pleased to see that at the 2024 People of CAHSS awards, the School of Divinity walked away with 7 awards for 6 different winners!

2024 People of CAHSS Awards

This year’s People of CAHSS awards (formerly College Recognition Awards) took place in May of this year. These staff awards, run by the College of Arts Humanities and Social Science (CAHSS), provide staff with an opportunity to pause, reflect and let others know what a difference they make. An occasion to showcase the values and behaviours we stand for as a community, and the people that role model them in all they do.

Nominations opened between January-March 2024 with a record breaking 1830 award nominations, including 151 total nominations from the School of Divinity, more than double the total of last year!

Colour head and shoulders photo of School of Divinity People of CAHSS award winners. (Left to Right) Amy MacKinnon, Julie Robertson, Roisin O'Fee, Rory Dunlop
School of Divinity People of CAHSS award winners. (Left to Right) Amy MacKinnon, Julie Robertson, Roisin O'Fee, Rory Dunlop

School of Divinity award winners

After an extremely challenging judging process, the winners for the 2024 awards were announced.

Julie Robertson

Excellence in Leadership Award and Inspiring Manager Award

The only double winner for the School, Julie is one of the winners for both the Excellence in Leadership and Inspiring Manager awards.

The Excellence in Leadership Award is given to an individual that leads with empathy as well as strength, and that seeks to prioritise the interests and development of others.

The Inspiring Manger award honours individuals who have made a meaningful and visible commitment to supporting the development of others, encouraging and championing them to progress in their career. It is awarded to those brilliant colleagues that facilitate a working environment where colleagues feel trusted, empowered and motivated to succeed.

Roisin O'Fee

Inspiring Manager Award

The Inspiring Manager Award saw the School of Divinity be honoured with two out of the seven total winners. Also winning the Inspiring Manager Award alongside Julie Robertson was Roisin O’Fee.

Amy MacKinnon

The Inspiring Colleague Award

Amy MacKinnon was the School of Divinity recipient for the Inspiring Colleague Award. This award is to recognise those that have award is for the colleagues that have inspired, cheered and encouraged those with whom they work. It celebrates the excellent role models that maintain and champion high standards, offering energy and enthusiasm to all they do.

Rory Dunlop

The Unsung Hero Award

The Winner of the Unsung Hero award was Rory Dunlop. This award was new for 2024 and was the most nominated out of all of the categories. It celebrates the behind-the-scenes heroes whose valued contributions may not always be visible but they undoubtedly have impact.

Alison Jack

Pillar of the Community Award

Professor Alison Jack was the recipient of the Pillar of the Community Award. This award is given to a colleague who has worked in the College for over five years and during that time, made exemplary contributions to the College and wider University. It’s in honour of the colleagues that are trusted, enthusiastic and consistently inclusive in their approach.

Alex McKay

Pillar of the Community Award

Also winning the Pillar of the Community Award alongside Alison Jack was Alex McKay representing both the School of Divinity and the Holyrood Campus.

Colour head and shoulders photo of School of Divinity People of CAHSS award winners. (Left to Right) Amy MacKinnon, Julie Robertson, Roisin O'Fee, Rory Dunlop
School of Divinity staff at the People of CAHSS awards