Inaugural Lecture: Professor Naomi Appleton

Professor Naomi Appleton (Professor of Buddhist Studies and Indian Religions) delivers her Inaugural Lecture 'What are Stories For? Answers from the Buddha and Beyond' on 9 October, 5:15pm, Playfair Library.

The lecture will be followed by a reception.

This lecture is open to the public. Please note that this lecture will be recorded.


This venue is fully accessible however, if you require disabled access, please email so that we can ensure we accommodate this.


Please register your place for the event on our Eventbrite.

Lecture Title

'What are Stories For? Answers from the Buddha and Beyond'


Why do stories feature so prominently in religious traditions across history? This lecture explores some of the functions and benefits of narrative literature in ancient Indian religions, especially Buddhism but also Hinduism and Jainism. It shows how stories can help not only to communicate ideas and ideals, but also to create, explore and challenge them. Stories are also used to establish identities and boundaries between religious groups, and to transform audiences through potent imaginative encounters with sacred places or people.