Training and support

At the School of Divinity we try our very best to make you feel part of our community from the very start and offer you as many development opportunities as possible alongside your studies.

When you join the School, at the start of the academic year, you will be invited to Welcome Week, an intensive introduction to study and life in Edinburgh. Some events are primarily for international students new to Scotland and the UK, but everything is open to all. In the first weeks, the School provides a general orientation to research skills and to wider opportunities for training and support.

From your first days as a postgraduate student, you will work 1:1 with your supervisor or programme director. Your progress will be tracked, through regular supervision and milestone reviews, to ensure that you get the support you need to complete your programme.

You will be invited to be part of the research seminar run by your programme's centre of studies. Visiting speakers are often invited, along with postgraduate students, to present work-in-progress. You can also register for taught courses that contribute to your interests and research needs.

Research centres and networks

Our community benefits from monthly gatherings with faculty and fellow students. These gatherings offer a supportive forum to discuss issues as diverse as work-life balance, publishing strategies, and dealing with writer’s block. After these conversations, we share a cup of tea and a piece of cake.