Peacebuilding in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Annedore Wilmes and the CTPI Relwar's participation in the former Yugoslavia's Truth and Reconciliation Process.

CPI’s Religion and Ethics in the Making of War and Peace Project (Relwar) is an active participant in the former Yugoslavia’s Truth and Reconciliation Process. The Women, Religion and Peacemaking in Post-Conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina research project fills an important gap in existing efforts by examining gendered and religious components in the peacemaking process. On 26 May Ratko Mladić, a former Bosnian Serb general, was arrested and five days later extradited to the Hague where he will face trial for genocide. We asked Relwar intern Annedore Wilmes, based in Sarejevo, to reflect on the meaning of the impending trial for peacemaking efforts there.

Annedore Wilmes works as a research consultant on the Religion and the Prospects of a Truth and Reconciliation Process in Bosnia-Herzegovina project, which is under the umbrella of CTPI’s Religion and Ethics in the Making of War and Peace project (Relwar). Following her article on the arrest of Ratko Mladić in June, Public Faith asked her a few questions about her broader work in Sarajevo. In the interview, which can be accessed in full on our digital documents page, Wilmes gives an overview of Relwar’s work in Bosnia, discusses the current state of grassroots peacebuilding efforts there, and gives insight into continuing religious tensions and the difficulty faced by women and other vulnerable groups.