CTPI's archive, some academic contributions to scholarships in various areas of public theology. Papers and lectures After the Bug: Beyond the Hermeneutics of Suspicion - by Colin Greene. This lecture was giving in 1999 by the Rev Dr Colin Greene, British and Foreign Bible Society as a Media and Theology Project Public Lectures. Read Religion in a Media Age - by Steward Hoover. This lecture was given in 1997 by Prof Steward Hoover, University of Colorado as a Media and Theology Project Public Lecture. Read Images of Christ in the Cinema - by Bill Telford. This lecture was given in 1997 by Dr Bill Telford, Newcastle University as a Media and Theology Project Public Lecture. Read Guns and Roses and God: Reflections and Broadcasting the Dunblane Tragedy. This lecture was given in 1996 by Andrew Barr, Chairman of Religious Broadcasting at BBC Scotland. Read The Virtues of the Progressive Educator - by Paulo Freire, edited by Elizabeth Templeton, 1988. Read The Radical Anglo-Catholic Social Vision - by Kenneth Leech, 1989. Read Encountering Illnesses - by Michael Ignatieff, 1989. Read A Rationale For Religious Communication - by Chris Arthur, 1988. Read The Good Society Today - by David Jenkins, 1994. Rea Books Voices in the Andes: The Churches Use of Radio in Equador, 1993 Image Author: Alice May Mitchell. Radio is used extensively as means of communication by the Christian church in Ecuador. The aim of this study is to investigate the methodology and effectiveness of that communication. Ecuador, a small country with a population of about ten and a half million, demonstrates conditions similar to those of other Andean nations. The broadcasting model that Ecuador has followed is basically the American commercial system. However, the network systems and government regulations are less strictly adhered to. 'Voices in the Andes: The Churches Use of Radio in Equador' by Alice May Mitchell. Download Opportunities and Limitations in Religious Broadcasting, 1991 Image Editor: Peter Elvy. Christian convictions about broadcasting are sometimes expressed with great force. 'Opportunities and Limitations' is not intended to re-enforce one side of an argument. The book has been designed as a speaker's Corner with room enough for representatives from almost every point on the Christian compass. 'Opportunities and Limitations' is the background document for the Jerusalem Trust's second Cranfield Conference. Edited by Peter Elvy. The foreword by Professor Duncan B. Forrester. Download Discerning Images: The Media and Theological Education, 1991 Image Author: Derek C. Weber. The Media and Theological Education Project was established to provide tools to enable theological educators across a range of disciplines to embrace media and communication concerns. Exploring the disciplines of History, Church, Ministry & Mission, Pastoral Care, Ethics, Bible, Theology, Word and Worship and Spirituality, 'Discerning Images' addresses the issue of the influence which the media context brings to bear on the subject and the method of teaching. Written with practical suggestions as well as theoretical considerations, this book is set to help move theological education into the media age. A contemporary model for ministry is the minister as communicator. But how does theological education enable ministers to communicate in our modern society? The electronic media hold sway in modern communication. Shaping expectations and influencing human perception, these media changing how and what people learn and think and believe. The media are the primary shapers of modern culture, the world's storytellers and, for many people, have become the arbiters of meaning. "The purpose of theological education is to make it possible for the gospel to be heard in our time." (World Association for Christian Communication, 1989). Download The Scottish Churches and the Political Process Today, 1986 Image Editors: Alison Elliot and Duncan Forrester. 'The Scottish Churches and the Political Process Today' edited by Alison Elliot and Duncan Forrester. CONTENT Introduction by Duncan B. Forrester Church and State in Scotland Today by W.B. Johnston and Bruce Millan. The Declining Moral Authority of the Political Parties by Henry Drucker. Political Responsibilities of the Churches Today by John Eldridge. The Churches’ Role in Politics by David Donnison. Mystique and Politique by Duncan B. Forrester. Church and Society: Possibilities and Constraints by Robin Gill. The Church Leaders’ Forum by Andrew Doig. The Churches’ Response to the Coal Strike by Donald M. Ross. The Church and Nation Committee of the Church of Scotland by M. E. Wickham-Jones. Education and the Churches in Scotland by Angus Mitchell. Churches and the Debate about Nuclear Disarmament by Howard H. Davis. Chairman’s Summing Up by W. B. Johnston. Download This article was published on 2024-03-19