Anti Trafficking Conference

The CTPI and the Scottish Churches Anti Human Trafficking Group are pleased to announce a conference and Call for Submissions.

The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to examine and promote current and developing understanding of contemporary issues related to human trafficking, from different contexts and perspectives. We hope to provide an opportunity for postgraduate students and others to present their work, to make new connections and build networks, and to engage in constructive dialogue across a range of voices, disciplines and expertise.

We want to bring together people engaged in academic, frontline professional, policymaking and faith communities, from across Scotland and beyond. The conference will be a forum to attend to present research, debate key concepts and issues, share other approaches to the issues (eg using arts and media) and to exchange examples of good practice in addressing the complex challenges presented by human trafficking, within and across national borders. We hope the day will find ways to encompass and attend to the voices, experiences and ideas of those who have been directly affected by human trafficking.

Abstracts for 20 minute presentations are invited from scholars or practitioners working on any aspect of human trafficking and exploitation, and modern slavery, with a focus on relevant practice, policy or theory. We particularly welcome contributions from postgraduate students. Poster presentations and other modes of communication will also be considered.

Limited funds will be available to support attendance at the conference for successful applicants whose abstracts are selected for presentation.

Abstracts of up to 300 words (title no more than 20 words) are invited. The content should be clearly relevant to human trafficking and exploitation, indicating and reflecting your academic discipline or professional/practice context. Please avoid using jargon where possible: the audience will include delegates who may not be familiar with your specialist subject area. Please write abbreviated terms in full, on first occasion of use. Please give your name, institutional or organisational affiliation, and your contact details.

Submissions by e-mail to Dr Lesley Orr,, Centre for Theology and Public Issues, University of Edinburgh. We will be in touch about outcome of proposals by 26 August. The conference will be held at New College on 7 October.