Sarah Charlotte Williams: 'When Courage Calls'

Sarah Charlotte Williams

Colour head and shoulders photo of Sarah Charlotte Williams
Sarah Charlotte Williams

Sarah C. Williams is a gifted communicator known for bringing history to life in a way that speaks to contemporary society. Sarah taught at the University of Oxford before moving to Regent College, Vancouver. Her research interests lie in the relationship between culture, language, and religious belief. She has written numerous articles and books on this topic including ‘Religious Belief and Popular Culture’ (1999), ‘Redefining Christian Britain’ (co-authored, 2006) and ‘Perfectly Human’ (2018). Sarah’s new book, ‘When Courage Calls’ (2024), explores the interplay between spirituality and political imagination in the life of nineteenth-century social activist and feminist philosopher, Josephine Butler.

Chair: Bethany Sollereder

Bethany Sollereder
Bethany Sollereder

Bethany Sollereder is a Lecturer in Science and Religion at the University of Edinburgh. She specialises in theology concerning evolution and the problem of suffering and is currently working on the theological aspects of climate change. Bethany received her PhD in Theology from the University of Exeter. She is the author of ‘God, Evolution, and Animal Suffering: Theodicy without a Fall’ and ‘Why is there Suffering? Pick your own theological expedition’ and co-edited the volumes ‘Emerging Voices in Science and Theology: Contributions by Young Women’ and ‘Progress in Theology: Does the Queen of the Sciences Advance?’